VALID Volunteer Opportunities
VALID has many opportunities for our volunteers to join us and work alongside our amazing people!
Day Program
Have a skill you would like to share with our individuals?? We have volunteers who come in and work on things like painting, crafts, yoga, music instruction and much more. Our individuals love working with our volunteers and we are always welcoming new experiences into our world!!

Music Jams Sessions
We host monthly Community Jam Sessions where the community and VALID individuals come together to share in music appreciation and listen to some local vibes from musicians who join us from all walks of life. Bring your instrument and your voice and join us for some toe-tapping sounds!! Dates and times TBA

Pot of Gold
Our Pot O’ Gold Thrift Store is our Premiere Social Enterprise Operation. Strongly supported by the community, POG is a busy venture always looking for volunteers. Whether pricing items, tidying up the store, sorting through the piles of donations or simply being there to receive donations, we always seek passionate community members to volunteer at our thrift store.

Field trips and outings
Do you have a special event or facility that we can visit? Let us know about your place because we would love to join you for an adventure!!